Client Forms

I like to be transparent with my policies by providing helpful information online. Finding the right therapist for you is like Cinderella trying to find her shoe. To find one that fits (your needs), I encourage you to look at every tab on my website.

Client Forms

If we are doing relationship work, I will need each participant to complete the forms.

To ensure that we make the most out of our first session, I will ask you to: 1) fill out the Client Information Form electronically, and 2) read the Informed Consent and HIPAA forms online. I will email you a link to do all of this before your first appointment. 

It is incredibly important to read the Informed Consent very carefully. This is where you can find all the information you need about confidentiality, policies on fees and cancellations, best ways to contact me, and emergency contact numbers.

If we decide to work together after our first appointment, I will send you an electronic version of the Informed Consent and the HIPAA form to electronically sign.